Contact Us
1905 Woods Dr Beavercreek OH 45432
9 am to 9 pm, Mon-Sat by Appointment Only
It’s not as bad as it looks. The space inside the flotation tank is 4 wide by 7.5 feet long. You are in complete control and can open the door and go in/out as you’d like. You can even float with the door open. If you’re unsure, come on in and check the float tanks out first! Most people feel so much better seeing them and realizing how much space and control they have.
– Try not to shave right before arriving. It isn’t the end of the world if you do…but salt water on freshly shaven legs isn’t the most pleasant thing on Earth.
– Remove your contacts prior to floating (bring a container to store them in).
– If you have caffeine before you float, it may interfere with your ability to relax.
– Ladies, if it’s that dreaded time of month, give us a call to reschedule.
We will not allow you to float if you:
– Have infectious skin or respiratory disorders
– Have open wounds or recent tattoos
– Have incontinence
– Have uncontrolled epilepsy or serious mental conditions
– Are a high-risk pregnancy
– Have colored or permed your hair within 7 days
– Are under the influence of any drug or alcohol
– Are currently menstruating
– Are under 18 without parental presence
We expect you to inform us of any conditions for your own safety and the safety of other floaters! We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone at any time.