Contact Us
1905 Woods Dr Beavercreek OH 45432
9 am to 9 pm, Mon-Sat by Appointment Only
1905 Woods Dr Beavercreek OH 45432
9 am to 9 pm, Mon-Sat by Appointment Only
1000 lbs of epsom salts, 10 inches of water, darkness, and silence are the perfect recipe to recharge your body, mind, and spirit. Since every float is a new experience, we recommend 2 or 3 floats for maximum benefits.
90 minutes ends up being most people’s preferred amount of time to float. Especially for first timers, it ensures enough time to explore something new and allow yourself to reach that dream state.
Ready to get serious? Your mind and spirit are worth this. Whether you’re here for meditation or muscle pain, you’re sure to see results by the end of this session.
Since every experience is different, this is a great way to jump in and really explore floating. Your floats will stay on your account until you’re ready to use them! These cannot be be shared!
An hour float paired with an $85 massage is only $130! You can also pair any massage with any float for a $15 discount. *Book services 15 minutes apart to allow smooth transition time.
Know you’ll be back again? 3-Packs never expire. Here’s your chance to snag 3 floats for $70 each! (reg $80)
Who knows you more than yourself? With plenty of time to ask yourself the hard questions and let your subconscious have a say, you may just come out feeling like a new person.
This is not for the faint of heart. We recommend having some float experience under your belt before taking this on. We might have to start a Wall of Fame for our 8 Hour Floaters!
Come experience relaxation like never before.